Amos Maina
"Pożegnanie z Szitronem" (Maja i Szitron)
Justa Wiktos
Battle Symphony
Mari Belajar
Rise of the Neon Knights
Siomara Augusta
"Z Enemies to Lovers" (Zuzia & Czerwona Krówka)
Justa Wiktos
Eternal Echoes
Bryan Agbanlog
Whispers of the Dawn
Bryan Agbanlog
Sem Deus, Não Há Sabedoria
Max Rosa
Sem Deus, Não Há Sabedoria
Max Rosa
Echoes of Yesterday
Bryan Agbanlog
Once Upon a Crime
sam toumi
grab 'em by the horns
sam toumi
तिमी र ताराहरू
Rajesh shrestha
City Lights
John Kenzue
Hype Goes Wild
John Lester Isidro
Garden of Love
Carolina Landinez
"6 aus 45 (mit Joker bitte!)"
Robert Zangger
Convicção inabalável
Penha Santos